Mindfulness. “Time for mindfulness” becomes more important for many people in times of lockdown. In line with this, a CD has now been published as a cooperation project between local actors.
Text by: Monika Schwarz
Translation by: Magnus Reichel
“Zeit für Achtsamkeit” (“Time for Mindfulness”) is the title of a CD that was created as a joint project of several local actors. Yoga and Pilates teacher Anna Karina Cassinelli Vulcano from the Living Namasté studio in Freudenstadt had the idea over a year ago. In cooperation with the Kur-und Tourismus GmbH in Bad Peterstal-Griesbach and with the support of the young music composer Magnus Reichel from Baiersbronn, the CD was finally produced and now also released.
Right now, in lockdown and during the evening curfew, such a CD may have a completely different – special – meaning for people, emphasizes Cassinelli Vulcano. In this context, she mentions a study carried out on behalf of the “Heilbäderverbandes Baden-Württemberg”, in which the positive effects of being in nature in combination with mindfulness exercises for both the psyche and health were affirmed. Right now, however, because of the restrictions and the nocturnal curfew, many would not have the opportunity to enjoy nature to the otherwise usual extent – according to Cassinelli-Vulcano. Instead, the original natural sounds of the Black Forest were recorded on this CD and combined with relaxing piano music.
In addition, one hears a “mystical” Indian story read by Cassinelli Vulcano for reflection and meditation. At the center of the wonderful story, which takes you spiritually into nature, is the “I” – in search of the “I”. “If you close your eyes while listening to this CD, you have the feeling of being in a meadow or in the forest” – says Cassinelli Vulcano.
This feeling is mainly due to the 24-year-old music composer Magnus Reichel from Baiersbronn, who accompanied the project professionally. Reichel studies film music in the Netherlands, but still has a very close relationship with his hometown Baiersbronn – his family lives there – and the beautiful nature that surrounds his hometown. For the CD and the framing of the mystical story, he himself not only composed the piano pieces, which have now been published for the first time, but also captured the sounds in nature. “I set off with a microphone, warm clothes and a chair,” says Reichel.
The microphone was held wherever there were sounds – “to the left, to the right, sometimes even under a stone” – says Reichel.
The professional post-processing on the PC then proved to be a challenge – “so that everything sounds the way it should sound in the end”. The fact that “Sound Engineering” and “Sound Mixing and Mastering” are part of his studies was an advantage.
The natural sounds of the Black Forest and the piano sounds created an almost magical atmosphere – describes initiator Cassinelli-Vulcano the result. She herself was inspired to the story through her own meditation hikes in Bad Peterstal-Griesbach, she says. “There are times when you can’t go into the forest, but from now on you can bring the forest home with you” – she smiles.
In view of the upcoming Christmas party, this CD might also be a nice gift. Info: The “Time for Mindfulness” CD is available for only 5 euros (plus postage) from: info@bad-peterstal-griesbach.info or by phone: 07806 91000